Click CV_A FICAI (1041 downloads) for the full CV!
- Anton FICAI, Ecaterina ANDRONESCU; NANOPARTICLES: A Challenge of the Future; Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 2-5 September 2015, Sibiu, Romania
- Anton Ficai; COLL/HA composite materials for hard tissue engineering; Young Scientists Joining Forces for Excellence in Biomaterials Research; May 28TH – 29TH 2015, Bucharest, Romania (invited speaker)
- Sonmez, A. Ficai, D. Ficai, Dragos Gudovan, E. Andronescu; Composite materials based on zinc alginate and various microporous materials; VII International Materials Symposium / XVII Conference of Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal / 21 – 23 JUNE, 2015
- Anton FICAI, Maria Sonmez, Madalina Georgiana ALBU, Denisa Ficai, Coralia BLEOTU, Ecaterina Andronescu; Multifunctional materials for BONE CANCER TREATMENT; VII International Materials Symposium / XVII Conference of Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal / 21 – 23 JUNE, 2015
- Denisa Ficai, Maria Sonmez, Anton FICAI, Laurentia Alexandrescu, Ecaterina Andronescu; Synthesis and characterisation of composite materials based on polypropylene and silicon carbide; VII International Materials Symposium / XVII Conference of Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, Portugal / 21 – 23 JUNE, 2015
- M. Sonmez, A. Ficai, D. Ficai, D. F. Sava, D. Gurau, “Obtaining and characterization of nanocomposite based on polypropylene/graphene oxide”, VII International Materials Symposium / XVII Conference of Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais , Porto, Portugal, 21-23 June, 2015.
- M. Sonmez, A. Ficai, D. Ficai, Dragos Gudovan, E. Andronescu, “Composite materials based on sodium alginate used to remove heavy metal ions”, VII International Materials Symposium / XVII Conference of Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais, Porto, Portugal, 21-23 June, 2015
- Maria Sonmez, Denisa Ficai, Angela Spoiala, Anton Ficai, Laurentia Alexandrescu, Ecaterina Andronescu, “TiO2 based multiphase polymer arhitectures for medical and non-medical application”, 3rd International Congress on Nano Science & Nano Tehnology (ICNT), Turkey, Istanbul, 2015.
- Simona Popescu, Denisa Ficai, Anton Ficai, Bogdan Vasile, Georgeta Voicu, Maria Sonmez, Roxana Trusca, Ecaterina Andronescu, “Mesoporous magnetic bead for drug delivery”, 3rd International Congress on Nano Science & Nano Tehnology (ICNT), Turkey, Istanbul, 2015.
- M. Sonmez, L.Alexandrescu, A. Ficai, D. Ficai, M. Georgescu, M. Nituica, “Influence of organo-inorganic functionalization agent on laminated materials properties”, 3rd International Congress on Nano Science & Nano Tehnology (ICNT), Turkey, Istanbul, 2015.
- Alexandra Chiric, Anton Ficai, Roxana Truscă, Ecaterina Andronescu; Synthesis of cross-linked polyvinyl alcohol for obtaining adsorbent systems to be used in treatment of wastewater contaminated with heavy metals; 2014 Spring Meeting; Lille – Grand Palais Strasbourg, May 26 – 30, 2014
- Valentina Grumezescu, Anton Ficai, Alina Maria Holban, Gabriel Socol, Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Denisa Ficai, Elena Grosu, Ion Mihailescu, Coralia Bleotu, Mariana Carmen Chifiriuc; MAPLE fabricated PVC-Si coated surfaces with anti-adherent properties; E-MRS 2013 FALL MEETING, Symposium I: Multifunctional Bio-nanomaterials, September 16-19, 2013, Warsaw, Poland
- SONMEZ, A. FICAI, D. FICAI, O. OPREA, G. VOICU, E. ANDRONESCU; Synthesis and Characterization of the Anatase Loaded Mesoporous Photocatalyst; 6th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA’15); Barcelona, Spain in July 15-17, 2015 (oral presentation)
- Simona Popescu, Ioana Lavinia Ardelean, Denisa Ficai, Anton Ficai, Bogdan Stefan Vasile, Ecaterina Andronescu; New multifunctional materials such as MCM – 41/ Fe3O4/ folic acid as drug delivery system; 7th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA’16); Barcelona, Spain in July 15-17, 2015
- Maria Sonmez, Anton Ficai, Denisa Ficai, Ecaterina Andronescu; Organic/ Inorganic Adsorbents Based on Chitosan/MCM-48 for Removal of Heavy Metal Ions; 5th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA’15); Barcelona, Spain in July 15-17, 2015
- Simona Popescu, Ioana Lavinia Ardelean, Denisa Ficai, Anton Ficai, Bogdan Stefan Vasile, Ecaterina Andronescu, Maria Sonmez, “New multifunctional materials such as MCM – 41/ Fe3O4/ folic acid as drug delivery system”, 6th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA’15), Barcelona, Spain, July 15 – 17, 2015 (POSTER).
- Cristescu, V. Grumezescu, A. M. Holban, B.S. Vasile, L. Mogoanta, G. D. Mogosanu, A.M. Grumezescu, G. Socol, I.N. Mihailescu, A. Ficai, R. Trusca, F. Iordache, D.B. Chrisey, MAPLE-fabricated thin films composed of 5 nm antibiotics functionalized magnetite nanostructures with anti-pathogenic properties, E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING, Symposium J: Laser interaction with advanced materials: fundamentals and applications, May 26th-30th, 2014, Lille, France.
- Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, G. Socol, A.M. Holban, A. M. Grumezescu, A. Ficai, R. Trusca, F. Iordache, Tetracycline local delivery from γ-aminobutiric acid-silica networks thin films for preventing microbial infections, E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING: Laser interaction with advanced materials: fundamentals and applications, May 26th-30th, 2014, Lille, France.
- Grumezescu, A.M. Holban, A.M. Grumezescu, G. Socol, B.S. Vasile, A. Ficai, R. Trusca, F Iordache, γ-cyclodextrine – usnic acid thin film prepared by MAPLE for improving medical surfaces resistance to Staphyloccocus aureus colonization, E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING: Laser interaction with advanced materials: fundamentals and applications, May 26-30th, 2014, Lille, France.
- Socol, A.M. Grumezescu, A.M. Holban, B.S. Vasile, R. Cristescu, V. Grumezescu, D. Ficai, A. Ficai, R. Trusca, E. Grosu, F. Iordache, Fabrication and characterization of medical surfaces functionalized with silicon polymer for anti-infective therapy applications, E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING, Symposium J: Laser interaction with advanced materials: fundamentals and applications, May 26th-30th, 2014, Lille, France
- Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, G. Socol, A.M. Holban, L. Mogoanta, G.D. Mogosanu, A.M. Grumezescu, B.S. Vasile, A. Ficai, R. Trusca, F. Iordache, Poly(latic-co-glycolic) acid/chitosan microsphere thin films functionalized with stabilized cinnamomi aetheroleum and magnetite nanoparticles for preventing the microbial colonization of medical surfaces: E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING: Solution processing and properties of functional oxide thin films and nanostructures, May 26th-30th, 2014, Lille, France.
- M. Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, A. M. Holban, L. Mogoanta, G. D. Mogosanu, G. Socol, V. Grumezescu, B. S. Vasile, A. Ficai, R. Trusca, F. Iordache, MAPLE fabricated magnetite@eugenol and poly lactic acid – chitosan coated surfaces with anti-staphylococcal properties, E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING: Solution processing and properties of functional oxide thin films and nanostructures, May 26th-30th, 2014, Lille, France.
- Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, A. M. Holban, L. Mogoanta, G. D. Mogosanu, A. M. Grumezescu, G. Socol, B.S. Vasile, A. Ficai, R. Trusca, F. Iordach, 7 nm natural products functionalized iron oxide nanostructures thin films prepared by MAPLE for improved resistance to microbial colonization of medical surfaces, E-MRS 2014 SPRING MEETING, Symposium I: Solution processing and properties of functional oxide thin films and nanostructures, May 26th-30th, 2014, Lille, France.
- Grumezescu, A.M. Holban, G. Socol, G.D. Mogosanu, A.M. Grumezescu, A. Ficai, R. Cristescu, I. Mihailescu, C. Bleotu, C. Chifiriuc: MAPLE fabricated magnetite@eugenol and (3-hidroxybutyric acid-co-3-hidroxyvaleric acid) – polyvinyl alcohol coated surfaces with anti-staphylococcal properties, E-MRS 2013 FALL MEETING, Symposium B: Stress, structure, and stoichiometry effects on the properties of nanomaterials II, September 16-19, 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
- Grumezescu, A. Ficai, A.M. Holban, G. Socol, A.M. Grumezescu, D. Ficai, E. Grosu, I. Mihailescu, C.oralia Bleotu, M.C. Chifiriuc: MAPLE deposition of silicon based polymer coatings on PVC with anti-adherent properties, E-MRS 2013 FALL MEETING, Symposium I: Multifunctional Bio-nanomaterials, September 16-19, 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
- Grumezescu, A.M. Holban, G. Socol, G.D. Mogosanu, A.M. Grumezescu, A. Ficai, R. Cristescu, I. Mihailescu, C. Bleotu, C. Chifiriuc: Anti-fungal surface based on stabilized Cinnamomi aetheroleum and poly(3-hidroxybutyric acid-co-3-hidroxyvaleric acid) – polyvinyl alcohol microspheres fabricated by MAPLE technique, E-MRS 2013 FALL MEETING, Symposium G: Bioinspired and Biointegrated Materials as Frontiers Nanomaterials III, September 16-19, 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
- M. Ditu, A.M. Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, A. Ficai, V. Grumezescu, G. Mihaescu, M.C. Chifiriuc: Phytonanofluid coating agent to prevent fungal colonization. 18th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 4 – 7, 2013, Sinaia, Romania.
- I. Cotar, A.M. Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, A. Ficai, V. Grumezescu, V. Lazar, M.C. Chifiriuc: Influence of the Fe3O4@ATB nanoparticles on Enterococcus faecalis cells. 18th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 4–7, 2013, Sinaia, Romania.
- M. Grumezescu, G. Socol, V. Grumezescu, E. Axente, M. Socol, A. Ficai, E. Andronescu, C.D. Ghitulica, I.N. Mihailescu, C. Bleotu, C.M. Chifiriuc: Biocompatible magnetic PLGA-PVA thin film fabricated by MAPLE for the design of new surfaces resistant to microbial colonization, Symposium R, E-MRS, May 27-31, 2013, Strasbourg, France.
- Grumezescu, G. Socol, A.M. Grumezescu, G. Voicu, C. Bleotu, A. Ficai, I. Mihailescu, C.D. Ghitulica, E. Andronescu, C. Chifiriuc: Functionalized antimicrobial thin films based on PLA-PVA microspheres loaded with natural compounds fabricated by MAPLE technique,Symposium V, E-MRS, May 27-31, 2013, Strasbourg, France
- Ecaterina Andronescu, Alexandru Grumezescu, Anton Ficai, Bogdan Stefan Vasile, Valentina Grumezescu, Eugeniu Vasile, Denisa Ficai, Fabrication of iron oxide nanospheres using pyrosol tehnique, ICAMS proceedings, 2012.
- Ficai, E. Andronescu, M. G. Albu, A. Grumezescu, M. Sonmez, D. Ficai; Synthesis and characterization of dense COLL/HA composite materials; Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, ICAMS 2012, xxx-xxx (Indexat SCOPUS)
- Crina-Maria Kamerzan (Saviuc), Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Anton Ficai, Ecaterina Andronescu, Carmen Chifiriuc, Veronica Lazăr; Aplicaţii nanotehnologice în formularea farmaceutică a unor uleiuri volatile – soluţii pentru managementul infecţiilor cu microorganisme incluse în biofilme; WORKSHOP EXPLORATORIU – Interrelaţia microorganism-gazdă în patogeneza bolilor infecţioase; Bucureşti, 26-27 septembrie 2012
- M.C. Chifiriuc, A.M. Grumezescu, E. Andronescu, C. Saviuc, A. Ficai, C. Bleotu, V. Lazar: Biocompatibility Evaluation of Putative Magnetic Drug Carriers by Flow Citometry. The 8th National Congress of Cytometry, 10-11 mai 2012, Bucuresti, Romania.
- M. Dumitraşcu, V. Meltzer, E. Sima, M. Vîrgolici, A. Ficai, M.G. Albu, R. Minea, V.I. Moise, E. Mitru, A. Scărişoreanu; Characterization of electron beam irradiated collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone(COL/PVP) and collagen-dextran (COL/DEX) blends; 12th Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry; 27.08-1.09.2011, Zalakaros, HUNGARY
- Valentina MITRAN, Anton FICAI, Bianca GALATEANU, Ecaterina ANDRONESCU, Anisoara CIMPEAN; Antineoplastic activity of cisplastin loaded in a collagen/hydroxyapatite composite on osteosarcoma cells; European Biotechnology Congress 2011; 28.09-01.10.2011; Istanbul, Turkey
- A. ILIE, E. ANDRONESCU, G. VOICU, A. CUCURUZ, A. FICAI; Antiseptic composite materials (CM) for biomedical applications; 17th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering September 7–10,2011, Sinaia–Romania;
- E. ANDRONESCU, D. FICAI, M. SONMEZ, M. G. ALBU, G. VOICU, A. FICAI; Stratified COLL/HA composite materials for bone grafting; 17th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering September 7–10,2011, Sinaia–Romania (oral presentation);
- D. Ficai, E. Andronescu, A. Ficai, B. Vasile, C. Comanescu, C. Guran; Synthesis and characterization of mesoporous magnetic nanoparticles; 17th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering September 7–10,2011, Sinaia–Romania (oral presentation);
- I. Titorencu, M.G. Albu, A. Georgescu, V. Jinga, A. Ficai. Collagen –dexamethasone and collagen-d3 scaffolds for bone tissue engineering: an in vitro study, 11th International Conference on Frontiers of Polymers and Advanced Materials, 22-27 Mai 2011, Pretoria, Africa de Sud
- M.G.Albu, M.V. Ghica, A. Ficai, I. Titorencu, L. Popa, The influence of freeze-drying process on porosity and kinetics release of collagen-doxycycline matrices, The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials and Systems, Bucuresti, 16-18 septembrie 2010 (oral presentation).
- A. Ficai, I. A. Nedelcu, A. Ilie, M. G. Albu, M. Ficai, G. Voicu, B. S. Vasile, D. Ficai, E. Andronescu; Antiseptic Materials Containing Silver Nanoparticles; 4th International Conference „Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices” (BiomMedD’2010), Sinaia, 23-25 septembrie 2010.
- D. Ficai, A. Ficai, Bogdan St.Vasile, Maria Ficai, Ovidiu Oprea, E. Andronescu ; Synthesis of rod-like magnetite by using low magnetic field; 4th International Conference „Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices” (BiomMedD’2010), Sinaia, 23-25 septembrie 2010.
- Alexandru NITULETE, Lucian GOMOESCU, Andreia ILIE, Stefan PALL, Maria FICAI, Bogdan VASILE, A. FICAI, Georgeta VOICU, Cristina GHITULICA, E. ANDRONESCU; Mineralizarea diverselor forme colagenice prin metoda imersiei in SBF; Şedinţa lunară de comunicări ştiinţifice a Societăţii de ştiinţe farmaceutice din România, Filiala Craiova, 20 octombrie 2009, Craiova (invited speaker)
- Andreia Ilie, E. ANDRONESCU, Georgeta VOICU, Georgeta PALL, M.G. ALBU, A. FICAI; Porous collagen matrices mineralised in simulated body fluid; 16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering September 9 – 12, 2009, Sinaia – Romania, pag 28
- D. Mânzu, F. Dumitru, A. Razvan, A. Ficai, C. Guran; Synthesis and characterization of organo-substituted cyclophosphazene/silica composites; 16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering September 9 – 12, 2009, Sinaia – Romania
- M. Alexie, F. Dumitru, L. Pasăre, D. Raţă, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, D. Mânzu, A. Ficai, A. Răzvan, M. Serb, C. Guran; 2,6-pyridinediamides as anion recognition fixed sites in membranes;16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering September 9 – 12, 2009, Sinaia – Romania
- A. Ficai, G. Voicu, C. Ghitulica, M.Ficai, D.Manzu, V. Trandafir, E. Andronescu; Bone grafts obtained by collagen mineralization; Nanomedicine 2009 – 2nd European Summer School in Nanomedicine; Lisbon (Portugal), 12th-16th June 2009 (oral presentation);
- A. FICAI, E. ANDRONESCU, Georgeta VOICU, Ştefan PALL, Bogdan Ştefan VASILE; Materiale compozite pentru aplicatii in ortopedie; Zilele U.M.F. din Craiova, Ediţia a XXXIX-a 5-6 Iunie 2009 (prezentare orală)
- A.FICAI, E. ANDRONESCU, G. VOICU, C. GHITULICA, V. TRANDAFIR, S. PALL; Self assembled, highly oriented collagen/hydroxyapatite composite materials; Biommed, 13-16.11.2008, Bucharest, Romania (poster)
- Dumitru, F., Razvan, A., Serb, M., Ficai, A., Guran, C., Ion/Pair Extraction with Heteroditopic Receptors Grafted onto Silica Surface; 4th IUPAC-Sponsored International Symposium on Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials Synthesis, Properties and Applications, 7 – 11.09.2008 Dusseldorf, Germany (poster)
- Dumitru, F., Alexie, M., Pasare, L., Rata, D., Nicolescu, A., Deleanu, C., Manzu, D., Ficai, A., Razvan, A., Guran, C., Membranes Containing Mercapto-2,6-Pyridindiamides as Anion Recognition Fixed Sites; 4th IUPAC-Sponsored International Symposium on Macro- and Supramolecular Architectures and Materials Synthesis, Properties and Applications, 7 – 11.09.2008 Dusseldorf, Germany (poster)
- F. Dumitru, M. Alexie, L. Pasăre, D. Raţă, A. Nicolescu, C. Deleanu, D. Mânzu, A. Ficai, A. Răzvan, C. Guran; New Membranes with Anion Recognition Fixed Sites, Excellence Research – A Way to Innovation, Brasov 27 – 29.07.2008 (oral presentation).
- A. FICAI, V. TRANDAFIR, E. ANDRONESCU; Electric field influence on collagen mineralization process; 8th World Biomaterials Congress; 27.05 – 02.06 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands (poster)
- A. Ficai, V. Trandafir, E. Andronescu, Interactiile colagen/hidroxiapatita in biomaterialele compozite; Simpozionul Naţional de Biomateriale “Biomateriale şi Aplicaţii Medico-Chirurgicale” editia a VI-a, 18-20 octombrie 2007 Cluj Napoca (oral presentation).
- A. FICAI, V. TRANDAFIR, E. ANDRONESCU; Collagen/hydroxyapatite composite materials for bone tissue repairing; Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering XV, September 19 – 22, 2007, pg S6-53.
- A.C. ION, I. ION and A. FICAI; Environmental analytical chemistry. Applications of nanosensors. Chemically modified electrode for NO2 – determination in environmental applications; 212th ECS Meeting – Washington, DC; October 7 – October 12, 2007.
- F. Dumitru, A. Razvan, M. Şerb, A. Ficai, C. Guran; Immobilized Crown Ethers in Nanostructured Inorganic Matrix for Ion Pair Selective Extraction; International Soft Matter Conference 2007; 1 – 4 October 2007 Aachen, Germany.
- F. Dumitru, A. Razvan, M. Şerb, A. Ficai, C. Guran, Mesoporous molecular sieves (MCM-41) functionalized with crown ethers for ion pair extraction, Second International Symposium, Advanced micro- and mesoporous materials, September 6-9, 2007, Varna, Bulgaria, (poster).
- A.C. ION, I. ION, A. FICAI, D.N. STEFAN; Chemically modified electrode for NO2– determination in environmental applications; The 2nd International Congress on NanoBiotechnology & Nanomedicine (NanoBio 2007), June 18-21, 2007; San Francisco, California, USA (poster).
- AC. ION, I. ION, A. FICAI, and L. BARBU; Environmental applications of a chemically modified electrode for NO2, ETH Zurich; June 28 – 29, 2007.
- A.C. ION, I. ION, L. BARBU, A. FICAI, D.N. STEFAN; Environmental Analytical Chemistry. Applications of nanosensors, Al 6-lea seminar national de nanostiinta si nanotehnologie, 2006, vol. 6, pag. 8.
- A.C. ION, I. ION, D. N. STEFAN, A. FICAI; Improving mercury speciation in urine samples using potentiometric methods; 10 th International Biomedical Engineering Conference, Kaunas University of Technology, Biomedical Engineering Institute, October 26-27, 2006.
- F. DUMITRU, V. MARIN, A. FICAI, C. GURAN, Electrochemical recognition of K+ by redox-active crown ether. 3rd International Conference of the Chemical Societies of the South-Eastern European Countries on Chemistry in the New Millennium – an Endless Frontier, 2002, vol. (I).
Click CV_A FICAI (1041 downloads) for the full CV!